Summary # 2 (Anthony Atala on growing new organs)
In his lecture “Anthony Atala on growing new organs” Anthony Atala talks about how can scientist regenerate organs in order to help people. First of all Atala talks about organ transplant. He says that one of the biggest problem on this process is the lack of organs. Then he mentions that human beings have the ability to regenerate injured tissues but the problem on it, is that just a few of cells can do it so in the case of a big injury a complete regeneration would be almost impossible. Atala also says that in order to regenerate bigger tissues we need to use more cells. This works by removing one piece of tissue from the injured organ to use it then to grow more cells of that organ, taking that cells then and putting them together to recreate the organ in healthy conditions. They have done this with many different organs such as vessels, heart valves and ears. Scientist still developing this organ regeneration technology. This kind of technology is being already applied on people saving and improving lives. the only problem is the complexity of it. (190 words)
Response (Anthony Atala on growing new organs)
In my opinion, Atala’s lecture is very interesting because it teach me how technology has improved. This video make me imagine how it would be the future. Looking at this created organs also remind a hollywood movie called repo men. I think that the future would be very similar to this movie. I think that in the future there will be a huge powerful company selling really expensive organs. This company will also give really high loans with high interest to the people who can not afford those organs. People, desperate choosing between their lives and their money, will accept the loan screwing at the end their lives. I hope that at least part of these future will not be like that. (123 words)
I agree with Yamil, growing organs is our future solution. It would help people to recover from accidents or exchange damaged organs to a brand new. But the question is what would be the price for these new organs? As it can be assumed that these organs will save lives, so their evaluation would be very high. Therefore, as it was illustrated in the Repo man movie, it could be that big corporations will be controlling the prices of the organs, and as a nature of people some of them will want to get rich of this business. If this grows into a business then the availability for a poor people will be limited. But from my point of view pros are overweighting the cons and this solution is definitely will the population to survive.
I Like your Video Yamil. I watched Anthony Atala at 60 Minute news. In the video from 60 minute he showed how these organs are working inside of our body. I kind of agree with peter, this organ is good to recover some part of our body that has been damaged however, the price of these organs will be very expensive and not everybody can afford it. This new idea will be very useful in the further. Now days everything is possible to do, any part of your body can be fixed without any problem.