Tuesday, 5 April 2011

J.J. Abrams' mystery box

Summary (mystery box)

In his lecture “Mystery box” J.J. Abrams talks about how important mystery, creativity and imagination can be, specially in the film and arts business. Abrams is a well known film maker famous for his participation in movies and TV show such as lost, alias, Cloverfield and mission impossible. First of all, Abrams mentions how his inspiration began. He says that when he was a kid his grandfather used to show him how things works. Thanks to this he developed an incredible passion for mystery which boosted his creativity and helped him to made great projects. This also boosted his film making passion. Abrams also mentions about a magic box that he bought long time ago and he never open, because for him that box represents his grandfather, possibility and hope. He says that mystery is the catalyst of creativity. Then he gives some examples of some of his greatest projects such as lost where he was able to make thinks that where not possible ten years ago. After that, he says that in today’s world technology is really helpful and can make incredible things, but somehow no everything is about technology. To conclude he states that despite that technology helps, the most important concept to make things that matter is not technology, but inspiration and creativity. (216 words)

Response (Mystery box)

In my opinion, this was the best of all the lectures that I watched in TED talks. I really like it, because as Abrams, I also have a strong desire for the film making business. This video was really inspiring for me in many aspects. First of all, it boosted my creativity and it helped me to think in many future ideas for a script or a short film. This video also made realize that the use of really expensive tools for make significant things is not necessary. I know that the film industry require a lot of expenses that I can not afford, such as lighting, cameras and software. Thanks to Abrams I realize that I actually do not need all that stuff, I just need to be really creative and put all my passion in what I am doing. I think this video is really important because it shows the people, that they should explore more themselves to get inspiration and make things that matter. (162 words)